We conduct research that informs conservation and advances understanding of ecosystem functioning.

Research - both scientific and non-traditional - is essential to making informed decisions about conservation and restoration. Research is also critical to advancing our understanding of the natural world and the diverse impacts of human activities.

We work in collaboration with local communities, partners, and indigenous groups to deliver novel research outcomes - including traditional ecological knowledge (TEK), environmental sciences, and journalistic reports on emerging conservation topics.

Traditional Knowledge Research

We collaborate with indigenous communities to research, document, and protect traditional ecological knowledge (TEK) in the Ecuadorian Amazon.

We conduct scientific research that explores various causes and consequences of human activities in the Ecuadorian Amazon.

Ecological Research

Journalistic Research

We work to uncover and research emerging issues of conservation in the Ecuadorian Amazon through field work and publication.

Research Publications

We are committed to the highest standard of interdisciplinary research. Explore some of ARCC’s peer-reviewed publications.

Empowering local conservation research

ARCC Research Fellowship

In addition to ARCC’s collaborative research projects, we promote new ideas and local research initiatives through our annual research grant/fellowship.

Want to support? Become a member.

We created ARCC with a vision for harnessing the collective passion of many individuals to drive tangible change. With monthly giving from our members, we reduce our dependence on government or academic grants for funding conservation initiatives.