About us

We are the Amazon Research & Conservation Collaborative (ARCC), a registered 501(c)(3) U.S. non-profit organization.

Our mission is to support the conservation of western Amazonia through interdisciplinary research, community engagement, and communication initiatives.

What we do..

We work to conserve biological and cultural diversity in the Amazon Rainforest via three main approaches:

Interdisciplinary Research

We inform conservation action through collaborative research, both scientific and non-traditional.

Community Engagement

We partner with indigenous communities to empower local change and future conservation leadership.


We foster advocacy and community-based conservation through educational programs, media storytelling, journalism, andpeer-review publication.

Where we work..

Our work is primarily based in the Ecuadorian Amazon, supporting the highest biodiversity in the Amazon Basin, and potentially the world. This region is also home to 14 distinct indigenous peoples.

However, the Ecuadorian Amazon is also experiencing the the highest rates of increasing human pressures – from oil extraction to illegal gold mining – making it an area of extreme conservation priority.

What is at stake..

Our work is necessitated by a sad reality: rates of biodiversity loss and cultural extinction are higher than ever before in the western Amazon Rainforest.

The Ecuadorian Amazon lost 650,000 hectares of pristine rainforest between 2008 and 2016.

Recent research has also highlighted an approximate 50% decline in bird abundance in one of Ecuador’s most remote regions of the Amazon.

What activities are responsible?

There are several main drivers of biodiversity loss in the Ecuadorian Amazon which set the focus of our work:

  • Oil extraction - including road development, oil and gas pollution, and influence on indigenous groups

  • Illegal gold mining - including habitat destruction and mercury contamination

  • Wildlife trafficking - including illegal bushmeat hunting and pet trade

Our Guiding Values

  • Indigenous Rights and Empowerment

    Empowering indigenous communities as stewards of the Amazon's future through equitable partnerships and respect for ancestral knowledge.

  • Biodiversity Preservation

    Safeguarding the Amazon's rich biodiversity through sustainable conservation practices and restoration efforts.

  • Transparency and Awareness

    Fostering transparency and raising public awareness to catalyze informed action for the preservation of the Amazon Rainforest.

  • Capacity Building

    Building local capacity and resilience through skill development and community-led initiatives for sustainable development in the Amazon.

Photo by Naia Hoeneisen

Message from our President:

“The hard work has begun”

“ARCC’s goal is to be a leader in the protection and restoration of the Ecuadorian Amazon. Our role is to execute, support, and empower research and community-outreach initiatives that can influence management, policy, and individual action.

What sets us apart is our approach - we collaborate directly with indigenous communities to simultaneously address the inextricable issues of biodiversity conservation and community well-being. Our projects are strategically diverse in scale and approach, spanning the scope of ecology, sustainable economics, journalism, and education.

We founded ARCC with the idea of channeling the resources and passions of donors and sponsors towards on-the-ground initiatives that truly make a difference. As we grow, so will the impact of our work. Eventually, we hope to have the funds to support a diverse and dedicated team to execute and manage a suite of crucial projects.

I firmly believe that the important work is not hindered by a lack of passionate people, and certainly not the talents they provide. It’s hindered by the support provided - financially, professionally, and collaboratively. We are going to break those barriers and work alongside the Amazon to ensure its brightest future.”

Ethan Duvall
Founder, President